Our Seafood

New Zealand’s marine environment is just over four million square kilometres of ocean.  We have the fourth largest marine environment in the world, home to over 15,000 marine species.

Harvested from our pristine waters by our select suppliers, we export a comprehensive range of premium New Zealand seafood.  If you are looking for a particular product not shown here, please contact us and we’ll be happy to explore the opportunity.


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Alfonsino have a brilliant red upper body with sides that are a lighter shade of red, tinged with silver. They have a fairly slender body, large eyes, and a deeply forked tail. The fins and tail are also brilliant red.

Members of the Berycidae family, they are found around the North Island and the northern part of the South Island at depths of between 200 and 800 metres. During the day, they appear to school near the seabed, dispersing upwards to feed on plankton at dusk.

Alfonsino have white flesh and a firm texture with a high oil content which suits most cooking methods.

Scientific name: Beryx Splendens


500 - 1000gram

Whole Frozen

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Available Season: from Feb to May


Hake have a slender grey-silver body, with a wide head and a large mouth. The second dorsal and anal fins are long and often damaged during trawl capture. The tail is square.

New Zealand Hake are members of the Merlucciidae family (hakes), and is found around the South Island, Chatham Rise and Campbell Plateau at depths between 200 and 800 metres.

Hake flesh is soft, moist and white with few bones and delicate texture.  It can be cooked in a variety of ways – poached, baked, marinated or used in a curry or soup/chowder.

Hake is a good source of Vitamin B12; and a source of Selenium, Iodine, Phosphorus, Potassium and Niacin (vitamin B3).

Scientific Name:  Merluccius australis

22kg (2 x 11kg), 24kg (2 x 12kg)

S (-500g), M (500-700g), L (720-1000g), 2L (1000g +)

Headed & Gutted (HGT), Fillets (60-340gram)


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Available Season: from Jan to Dec


Hoki have a very recognisable long, thin body with a tapering tail fringed by dorsal and anal fins.  The eyes and jaws are large with small sharp teeth.  Along its back it’s a dark purple-blue shading to paler iridescent blue on the upper side, and a mirror-like silver below. The fins are dark grey.

Belonging to the Merlucciidae family, they are related to Hake.  They can be found all around New Zealand but are most common on the Chatham Rise, Campbell Plateau and in the Cook Strait, and are most abundant between 300 to 600 metres.

Hoki flesh is moist, white and delicate, with few bones and flakes easily when cooked. 

It is well suited to baking and smoking, and using in recipes such fish cakes or fie pie.  In New Zealand and many other countries, it is our sustainable Hoki in your McDonalds Fillet'o'Fish.

Hoki is a good source of Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and Selenium; and a source of Potassium, Iodine, Phosphorus and Niacin (vitamin B3).

Scientific Name: Macruronus Novazelandiae

22kg (2 x 11kg),  24kg (2 x 12kg)

S (-500g), M (500-700g), L (720-1000g), 2L (1000g +)

Headed & Gutted (HGT), Fillets (60-340gram)

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Available Season: from Jan to Dec


Ling are slender and eel-like with a large head, and have no real tail. Its orange-pink markings above form irregular bar-like markings and blotches on the paler white that spread up from the underbelly. This gives the fish a mottled appearance. The skin is thick and smooth with fine scales.

Ling belong to the Ophidiidae family (cusk eels) and are found at depths between 300 and 500 metres. They are mainly caught off the southern South Island coast and on the Campbell Plateau.

Firm-fleshed with large, moist, bone-free fillets, it can be cooked in almost anyway, often served raw as sashimi or in wok cooking.

Ling is a good source of Selenium, Phosphorus, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D; and a source of Iodine, Magnesium and Niacin (vitamin B3).

Scientific Name:  Genypterus Blacodes

10kg, 24kg (2 x 12kg)

L (850-1300g), 2L (1500-2400g), 3L (3000g+)

Dressed, Fillets (500 - 3kg)

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Available Season: from Jan to Dec
Orange Roughy

Orange Roughy

Orange Roughy have a reddish body that fades to a distinctive orange after capture, with a bluish tinge in the belly area. It has a deep body with conspicuous bony ridges and a massive head.

Belonging to the Trachichthyidae family (roughies), they are a slow-growing, long-lived fish.  There is strong evidence that Orange Roughy may live as long as 130 years.

Found at depths of 750 to 1200 metres on the Chatham Rise, off the continental shelf from Gisborne to Kaikoura, off south Westland, and on parts of the Challenger Plateau off the West Coast.

It has a mild flavour and a soft, moist, pearly white flesh. Moderate oil content keeps it succulent and it holds together well in most cooking methods, although enjoyed at its best as a premium skinned fillet.

Orange Roughy is a good source of Selenium, Vitamin A and Vitamin D; and a source of Iodine, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium and Vitamin B12.

Scientific Name:  Hoplostethus Atlanticus


S (700-1000g), M (1000-1500g), L (1500-2000g), 2L (2000g+)

Dressed Fillets

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Available Season: from Jan to Dec
Red Cod

Red Cod

Red Cod are elongated with a small tail, have a red-brown back that becomes pink-white on the sides and belly. The dorsal and anal fins are pink with black margins, and there is a black spot at the pectoral fin base. Their vivid colour fades to a greyish pink when first captured. The scales are soft and easily removed, and the skin is slimy. The square-tipped tail and black pectoral spot distinguishes them from their close relatives

Red cod are members of the Moridae family (morid cods) and whilst found throughout New Zealand they are more commonly found off Canterbury and Westland at depths of 100 to 300 metres, occasionally as deep as 700 metres.

The flesh is white and delicate with fillets that flake easily when cooked; it is often smoked but can also be fried, baked or poached.

Red cod is a good source of Selenium and Vitamin B12; and a source of Iodine, Phosphorus, Potassium and Niacin (vitamin B3).

Scientific Name:  Pseudophycis bachus

24kg (2 x 12kg)

S (340-480g), M (480 -850g), L (1500-2000g), 2L (2000g+)

Dressed, Whole Round

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Available Season: from Jan to Dec
Ruby Fish

Ruby Fish

Rubyfish have a dark pink head, body and fins. They are silver on their sides and are paler on the underside. They can grow to a maximum length of 58cm.

This very long-lived (90 years or more), slow growing fish is found in mid-to-deepwater, and in New Zealand Rubyfish prefer the warmer northern and central waters. 

Rubyfish are members of the Emmelichthyidae family and live at depths from 50-800 meters, but are most commonly found around 300 meters.

With a firm fillet texture that holds its shape when cooked, Ruby Fish is perfect to use in any recipe that calls for poaching, smoking, steaming, baking or frying. 

Scientific Name:  Plagiogeneion rubiginosum


500-1000g, 1000g+

Whole Round

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Available Season: from Jan to Dec
NZ Sole

NZ Sole

NZ Sole are grey to greenish-brown on the upper side with faint, slightly darker marbling. Their underside is white. The body is oval in shape with the widest part well forward of the centre. Their scales are very rough. The head is small, and the eyes are close together on the edge of a slightly protruding snout. The dorsal fin begins above the eye.

Belonging to the Pleuronectidae family (righteye flounders) they can only be found in New Zealand. They are widespread around New Zealand waters but abundant in the South Island, from near the shore to depths of up to 100 metres.

NZ Sole are delicate in texture and have low oil content. The upper fillets are darker in colour, but whiten when cooked. This fish can be poached, fried, grilled, baked or steamed.

Scientific Name:  Peltorhamphus novaezeelandiae


A (175-250g), B (250-325g), C (325-400g), D (400-500),
E (500-600g), F (600-700g), G (700-800g), H (800g +)

Whole Round

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Available Season: from Jan to Dec
Silver Warehou

Silver Warehou

Silver Warehouse have a blue-grey back fading to a silvery-white belly, with a dark head that extends towards the dorsal fin. They have a dark blotch above the pectoral fin and blackish spots on the mid belly. They differ from other Warehou species with their slender shape and pitted skin.

Members of the Centrolophidae family (raftfishes, medusafishes), they live off the shelf edge and the upper slope at 200 to 500 metres.  A schooling fish, major concentrations are found off both coasts of the South Island (extending south to the Auckland Islands) and on the Chatham Rise.

They have firm white flesh and high fat content, which holds its shape when cooked. Suitable for all types of cooking

Scientific Name:  Seriolella punctata

24kg (2 x 12kg)

M (480 -850g), L (850-1500g), 2L (1500g+)

Dressed, Whole Round

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Available Season: from Jan to Dec
Black Oreo Dory

Black Oreo Dory

Black Oreo Dory have a very dark brown, grey/black body with black fins.  They have small, firm scales that cannot be dislodged.  Their body is wide with a moderate to large head that is thicker than their body, and a very large, green eye.

Belonging to the Oreosomatidae family (Oreos), black oreo dory are caught in waters south of New Zealand, at depths of 600 to over 1000 meters.

Their flesh is firm, white and does not flake easily, making it suitable for most cooking methods as the fillets hold together well.

Black Oreo is a good source of Selenium; and a source of Iodine, Phosphorus, Potassium, Niacin (vitamin B3) and Vitamin B12.

Scientific Name:  Allocyttus niger

24kg (2 x 12kg)

190 - 700g


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Available Season: from Jan to Dec
Southern Blue Whiting

Southern Blue Whiting

Southern Blue Whiting have a slender but moderately rounded body with three dorsal and two anal fins that distinguish the species from small hake. They have large eyes and mouth, with loose scales that are easily dislodged.

Grey with a bluish tinge (darker on the dorsal ridge), they have many small, black spots and shade to silver-white on the belly.

Southern Blue Whiting are members of the Gadidae family (true cods), and are found in the cool sub-Antarctic water of the Campbell, Pukaki and Bounty Rises. They school near the seabed at depths of 450 and 650 metres.

They have a delicate, moist flesh that flakes easily with low oil content. It has a firmer flesh than the blue whiting from the northern hemisphere. Delicious crumbed, battered, fried, baked or steamed.

Southern Blue Whiting is a good source of Selenium and Vitamin B12; and a source of Iodine, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Niacin (vitamin B3) and Vitamin D.

Latin Name:  Micromesistius australis

22kg (2 x 11kg)

S (100 -200g), M (200-400g ), L (400g+)

Dressed, Whole Round

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Available Season: from Jan to Dec